bird taking flight from the ocean's edge on the beach

Make A One-Time Donation

The Marine Science Center receives many one-time donations from Volusia County residents, local businesses, visitors from other states and countries, and even children who have visited the center. Every contribution allows us to further our conservation efforts and we know each child will grow up to pass on these efforts to love, protect, and respect the environment and animals that call this home.

sea turtle iconMAKE AN ONLINE DONATIONpelican icon

Donations by mail or phone

To make a one-time donation by credit card or check by mail, please download your preferred giving opportunity donation form and follow the specified methods of delivery.

  • Email: (Chad Macfie, MSC Manager)
  • Mail to: Marine Science Center
    100 Lighthouse Dr.
    Ponce Inlet, FL 32127
  • Call the office at 386-304-5545 to pay over the phone

Bring completed form in person on your next visit to the Marine Science Center