Ribbon Cutting Set for New Raptor Exhibit
Posted On: November 30, 2023
Written by ERAU students Adonis Rogers, Vincent Feeley, and Annika Mendez
Volusia County officials will cut the ribbon for the eagerly awaited Raptor Education and Conservation Exhibit at the Marine Science Center at 9 a.m. Tuesday, Dec. 12.
This exhibit is dedicated to the permanent raptor residents of the center, who, due to injuries, cannot be returned to the wild. The exhibit, designed to accommodate six birds at a time, will feature a rotation of screech owls, red-shouldered hawks, red-tailed hawks, Cooper’s hawks, peregrine falcons, and great horned owls.
In addition to providing an improved home for raptors, key features include educational opportunities and conservation initiatives. The outdoor exhibit will help staff educate visitors about the importance of raptors in the environment and ways residents can help create wildlife friendly landscapes. Their current homes will be converted into much-needed hospital rehabilitation space for the 1,100-plus sick and injured birds that are brought to the Marine Science Center each year.
The exhibit was funded by a $208,298 Volusia ECHO Grant, $150,000 in funds from the American Rescue Plan Act revenue loss provision, and $125,000 in community donations made through the Friends of Marine Science Center.
Admission to the Raptor Exhibit and Marine Science Center will be free from 9 to 10 a.m. for the ribbon cutting ceremony. On other days, admission to the Raptor Exhibit is included with general admission to the Marine Science Center. Learn more at https://www.marinesciencecenter.com.
“We look forward to welcoming the community to this event that celebrates the intersection of education, conservation, and the beauty of our raptor residents,” said Manager Chad Macfie.
To RSVP, reach out to Stephanie Harris at seharris@volusia.org or 386-304-5545, ext. 27806.
The Marine Science Center is at 100 Lighthouse Drive, Ponce Inlet. F- 30 -
- Permanent Homes for Rescued Raptors: Witness the unveiling of permanent habitats for resident raptors, providing a safe and enriching environment for these majestic birds.
- Educational Opportunities: Learn about the unique stories of each raptor, their species, and the importance of conservation efforts to protect these incredible birds.
- Conservation Initiatives: Discover the center’s commitment to raptor conservation and learn how visitors can actively contribute to these efforts.